Having to deal with a delicate grooming condition involving stubborn beards, oily skin, or, worse, acne can be a nightmare for any bearded man. There is the risk that when shaving with acne can cause severe injury to your face, which could end up as a scar.
If you have to shave with acne, you want to be extremely careful to avoid inflicting injury on yourself. In most cases, you may want to get someone to help you out. But if you have to do it yourself, there are a few tricks to avoid any complications. One of the quickest steps to remedy the situation is to learn more about acne and how to get rid of it. Below is a quick summary of the things you need to know when looking for how to shave with acne.
Table of Contents
What is Acne
Common in teens and young adults, acne is an inflammatory condition of the skin that is noticeable as spots, blackheads, and pimples. It usually sets in at the start of puberty in both males and females, but it is often more common in adult males.

At the onset of puberty, hormonal changes in the body encourage the secretion of sebum, which results in oily skin. Excess production by the sebaceous glands could block the hair follicles. The result is a red coloration on the skin which looks inflamed and could be quite embarrassing.
While it is no fault of the individual that has to deal with acne, it falls on them to do their best to control the growth and spread. Before I get into the gist on how to shave with acne, let me first run through some of the causes of skin irritations.
Causes of Acne
One of the common causes of acne in men is poor grooming habits. It will interest you to know that the way you shave could cause a breakout of acne. There is also a common bacteria infectious condition known as folliculitis, which also appears in the form of pimples. Whichever one it is, having skin irritations on the face can be very unpleasant. Some of the reasons why you may find spots on your face could be
Eating a lot of greasy foods could increase the secretion of oil by the sebaceous gland, which could result in acne. Eating healthy and avoiding junk food or consuming them less, could help prevent skin irritations.
Severe acne could also be a hereditary condition passed than from parents to offspring. When this is the case, it can be challenging to control the growth by using acne creams and balms. You may want to check with a medical practitioner to see if there are any medications to help treat the condition.
Shaving Tools
One of the primary causes of shaving irritation is when you use an unsterilized blade or clipper. You must choose your shaving tool carefully and ensure that you follow a strict sterilizing regime before and after each shave.
Ensure that your blades are sharp and clean so they cut through strands neatly without causing injuries. You are at risk of acne shaving with a dull razor, so it is best always to use a new one each time.
The use of steroids has also been linked to excess secretion of sebum by the sebaceous gland. There are other medications such as those containing iodides and lithium that could make it hard for you to treat acne. It is best to check the side effects of any drug before using it and discontinue use if you notice any changes to your appearance.
Another common cause of skin irritation is some of the care products we use on the skin. Many of the facial creams, balms, and cleansers we use even though they are dermatologically tested could harm the skin. You want to be sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients used, and possibly stick with organic skincare products. It is best to stick with non-oily products if you already find it hard to prevent acne.
Shaving with Acne
Now that you know some of the primary causes of skin irritations on the face, it will become easier for you to shave with pimples or acne. The first step to finding a solution is to identify the problem. Once you know why you are finding it hard to get rid of facial irritations, it becomes easy to eliminate it.
There are a few ways to do it if you are faced with a situation and need to shave with acne. You can follow the steps outlined below to avoid any injuries or breakouts.

1. Wash your Face
Washing your face regularly helps to get dirt and oil out of your hair follicles. You want to be careful not to overdo it, wiping more than twice daily could strip your skin of its natural sheen.
You may want to consider a facial cleanser or beard shampoo to help eliminate dirt and excess moisture from your face. Choose medicated brands with ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as they help deal with whiteheads and clear pores before shaving.
Before a shave, wash the face clearly with warm water, and you also want to clean your beards carefully while at it. Afterward, rinse with a splash of cold water to help retain moisture.
2. Soften Coarse Beard
If your beard is coarse and difficult to shave, you may want to soften it before using your razor. Running a hot towel around your beards could be a simple way to do it or take a warm shower. This helps to warm up the skin and soften the follicles, making it easy for your blade to run through smoothly.
Avoid using hot water directly on the face, as it could do more harm than good to your skin and hair. Aside from causing irritations, it could also lead to burns and scars. So you want to be careful about the temperature of the water during showers and shaves.
3. Apply Shaving Soap or Cream
Using a mild acne shaving soap or cream could be a great way to prepare your beards before using your blades. When choosing creams and gel, you want to avoid those that contain alcohol to prevent any further irritation. Organic options containing aloe could help soothe the shaved area, so you may want to do well to find one that works well for your skin type.
Check these shaving creams for acne:
- Dual-Shave (HiS) Medicated Shave Cream 2 in1 Anti-Acne Facial Wash & Moisturizer
- Neutrogena Men Skin Clearing Shave Cream, Oil-Free
- Pacific Shaving Company Natural Shave Cream
4. Use a Sharp Razor for Shaving with Acne
You want to make use of a new blade each time you shave. It is essential as it helps prevent the chances of bacterial infection, unlike when reusing an old razor. Instead of using multiple blades, go for single blades that allow for a quick shave and prevent injuries.
If you must use a razor again, you want to be careful to clean and sterilize it to ensure it is free from bacteria. You also have to check that it is sharp enough for your cut.
5. Be Careful
You want to observe caution when shaving around pimples and injuries on the face. It is best to cut with the grain. What this means is that you should follow the pattern of your hair growth when running your razor along your face. For areas that are away from pimples or acne, you can go against the grain to ensure a neat cut. But you want to be careful when cutting danger areas.
You should not be in a hurry to groom your beard. It may be best to wait for when you have enough time on your hands than try to squeeze out a five minutes grooming session from a busy schedule.
6. Rinse Thoroughly
Use warm water to get rid of any leftover foam and hairpieces on your face after shaving. Splash the water directly on your face, and avoid using your hands to massage your face immediately after a shave. You want to do this before applying any moisturizer as it ensures that your pores get closed before any irritant can enter.
7. Use Less Aftershave
Your aftershave could also be the reason why you suffer from skin irritations. Many of the available products are scented additives that could lead to rashes and further disturb pimples and acne. It may be best to ditch them altogether and choose to go for mild hydration instead.
8. Hydration is Important
After shaving, you also want to ensure that you carry out proper hydration. Stick to an oil-free moisturizer that contains ingredients that help prevent acne. Moisture is essential as it prevents pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads from breaking out. It also helps to lock in nutrients in your skin.

Final Note
Grooming is an integral part of manhood, and if you are a male with facial hair, I dare say you have more work to do. If you are shaving with acne, you want to invest in the best grooming and skincare products. In addition to blades and clippers, you also want to get some useful balms and creams to help deal with pimples, acne, blackhead, and other skin irritation.