Beards Base

These 9 Vitamins Are Perfect For Beard Growth!

These 9 Vitamins Are Perfect For Beard Growth!

From a few strands of hair to full-on beards, we’ve all had the experience where our facial hair just won’t grow in properly. The good news is that there are more vitamins and minerals than ever before available for your beard! While you may not want to take supplements daily, these nine specific vitamins will help nourish your manly face with great results.

The “best vitamins for beard growth” is a blog post that covers the benefits of taking certain vitamins. The article lists 9 vitamins that are perfect for beard growth.

All beardsmen want their facial hair to grow thick and healthy. When dealing with patchy or thin beards, it’s appropriate to use unconventional methods for promoting growth. There are a plethora of products on the market that promise to aid with beard development. Many of them are simply multivitamins, which made us ponder which vitamins are ideal for beard development.

While there is no “magic bullet” for growing a thicker beard, numerous additional vitamins may help with hair growth. Vitamins A, C, and a variety of B vitamins are among them. Many of these additional advantages may also be obtained by making lifestyle and dietary adjustments.

We’d want to go over why men have beard growth troubles and what nutritional remedies are available to aid beard development. 

Beards: Why They Grow… and Why They Don’t

We realize that when you have a thin beard, the question of how facial hair develops might seem magical. We assure you that such is not the case.

In general, men’s facial hair starts to develop around adolescence. This is due to the fact that facial hair, like armpit, chest, and pubic hair, is androgenic. That implies it can only grow if testosterone and DHT are present.

The hair that develops from your scalp, on the other hand, is called terminal hair. It grows even when androgenic hormones aren’t present. That’s why it starts to grow on your head before your voice fades and your face becomes splotchy.

Of course, not all androgenic hair grows at the same time or at the same pace. At the start of puberty, some boys grow a full bushy beard, chest hair, and everything else. Others may develop underarm hair and then wait months for anything more than peach fuzz to appear.

Uneven facial hair growth may be caused by a variety of factors. These are some of them:

  • Genetics – This is the most common reason for uneven facial hair. Men’s bodies go through puberty in different ways, and some genes lead to faster-growing, thicker facial hair. Often, patience is the best policy if you are still a teenager or even an early adult. Your body may not be finished developing.
  • Blood-flow – The physiological makeup of your face plays a significant role in how your beard grows. Facial hair grows from follicles in your skin, and the follicles’ roots require blood flow for nutrients. The capillaries that deliver these nutrients might not be well-distributed on your face.
  • Testosterone – We know this is a loaded issue because it can seem to speak to a guy’s masculinity and virility. However, men who are otherwise perfectly well-stocked in testosterone may not have the correct ratio to grow a thick beard. Lighter facial hair does not reflect a testosterone problem.
  • Skin conditions – You might be suffering from a condition like alopecia, which renders part of your face bald. Some birthmarks and moles can lead to bare patches, as well.

Beardsmen’s Most Common Growth Issues

What exactly does it imply when you claim your beard isn’t growing well?

Most beardsmen, on the whole, have some growth challenges. We’ve covered all of these topics in previous postings. The following are some of the most common facial hair issues that men face:

  • Gaps – You may notice that your mustache has gaps or that your beard and mustache do not join.
  • Patchiness – Uneven follicle distribution, scarring, or skin diseases like alopecia areata may all cause areas of your face to be bald.
  • Thinness — A beard that is see-through is especially noticeable around the cheeks. While this isn’t ideal for a true lumberjack pelt, many men may have a nice, albeit somewhat translucent, beard.
  • Unevenness — Because blood vessels are not evenly distributed across a man’s face, one side of his beard may grow longer than the other at times.

Some disorders, such as alopecia, will need a doctor’s consultation. Vitamin supplements may assist if it looks that your light or uneven facial hair is caused by a lack of blood supply to the follicle roots. Why not attempt to feed your beard if it’s lacking in nutrients?

Internal and topical vitamin use

To be clear, there are no magic formulas for growing facial hair. Any product that claims to “guarantee” results is likely to be full of it.

This is doubly true, in our experience, with topical serums. Vitamins are more beneficial when taken orally than when administered topically, at least when it comes to developing facial hair. Please don’t misunderstand us. There are several topical vitamins that are useful. Vitamin C serums, for example, are excellent for preventing UV damage to the skin.

All of the vitamins mentioned here are best taken orally for the most part. The best approach to guarantee that these nutrients reach your hair is to get them into your bloodstream. They are unlikely to absorb efficiently if you massage them on your face.

Let’s have a look at 9 vitamins that are ideal for beard development with that in mind.

Vitamin C is number one.

Is there anything Vitamin C can’t help with? It keeps the sniffles at bay. It helps to lower blood pressure. It may also help you avoid scurvy and gout!

Vitamin C stimulates more strong blood flow, which is one of the reasons it’s such a great all-around complement. If there’s one thing we’d want to impress upon you, it’s that greater blood flow means better hair growth. It also encourages the formation of collagen in your skin, which benefits your facial hair.

A Vitamin C supplement may be compared to beard growth motor oil. It ensures that everything runs smoothly.

Vitamin B5 is number two on the list.

Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, boosts cellular metabolism. It may improve testosterone production, which is especially significant for beardsmen.

But first, let’s apply the brakes. When it comes to testosterone, we are always cautious. This supplement isn’t a panacea for low testosterone or DHT levels. Vitamin B5 was linked to “testicular function in male rats” in a 2009 research published in the Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. The increase in sperm mobility, on the other hand, was minor.

Vitamin B5 may have a beneficial influence on beard development if it is assessed.

Despite this, B5 is a fantastic energy booster since it aids your body’s protein digestion. So, regardless of hirsute interests, it could be worth a go.

Vitamin A (number three)

Sebum is a natural moisturizer produced by your body. This oil is produced by the sebaceous glands in your skin and performs a variety of functions. Impurities in the skin are wicked away by sebum. It also includes hormones, which has led some to believe that it attracts partners unconsciously.

Healthy sebum production in the face is essential for a full, healthy beard. It coats follicles to prevent them from breaking. This oil’s generation is accelerated by vitamin A. 

A word of caution: although sebum is useful in daily life, excessive amounts may be annoying. Off-smells and pimples might be caused by oily accumulation in your sebaceous glands. Vitamin A pills may be unhelpful if you have consistently oily skin.

Niacin is a B vitamin that is found in a variety of foods.

Niacin, often known as Vitamin B3, dilates blood vessels even more, increasing the pace at which nutrients, oxygen, and hormones are delivered throughout your face. This dilatation might then help to nourish the follicle roots. 

Niacin also helps to keep your skin from becoming inflamed. It’s important to remember that inflamed skin is less prone to generate thick, dense facial hair. Finally, Niacin aids in the reconstruction of keratin, a fibrous structural protein. Keratin is a critical component of both human skin and hair.

Overall, we suggest Niacin to everyone. It has a lot of benefits for your scalp and facial hair, and it’s also good for your skin.

Vitamin E (number 5)

When administered topically, vitamin E has some beneficial benefits on face hair. It works to get rid of beard dandruff first and foremost. One of the reasons this vitamin is included in so much beard oil is because of this.

When taken orally, Vitamin E helps to increase circulation in general. This has the aesthetic advantage of giving you younger-looking skin and hair. Vitamin E has been shown to aid in the softening of wiry, coarse face hair. Healthy skin on your face and silky hair in your beard, when combined, provide an environment in which the mane on your cheeks may develop faster.

While we usually advocate taking this vitamin as an oral supplement, we wouldn’t rule out the possibility of using a Vitamin E face salve. Even if it’s only for the dandruff-reduction benefits, it could be worth it.

Biotin is #6 on the list.

Biotin, another member of the Vitamin B family, may be found in shampoos and conditioners as well as supplements. The reason for this is that this vitamin stimulates enzymes to break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Hair, nails, and the outer layers of skin all need this process to develop. So, does Biotin help hair grow faster?

We don’t know, is the simple response. Many studies have shown a link between consuming Biotin and having thicker hair. However, no scientific evidence has been found that the vitamin is responsible for growth. Nonetheless, we believe that Biotin is worth a shot. It provides advantages that go beyond beard development, as do all of these vitamins.

#7 – Folic Acid (Folic Acid)

Folate, which is produced for supplementary use as Folic Acid, is another member of the Vitamin B family.

Hair development is influenced by cell growth. Cells develop at a slower pace as you become older. Folic acid promotes new development and increases the strength of the cells that make up your face and hair.

Let’s talk about why someone might require additional Folic Acid before you go out and purchase a case of it. As a general rule, only use this supplement if you’ve been diagnosed with a Folate deficiency, either due to age or a previous ailment.

Folic Acid should be used with care since it is possible to overdose on vitamins. If your body generates an adequate quantity of Folate and you supplement it with a large number of Folic Acid pills, you risk developing jaundice and nerve damage.

Inositol (#8)

B8, also known as Inositol, is a Vitamin B farther down the chain. People have ascribed miraculous abilities to this vitamin, as is common with natural supplements. It has been suggested that it may help with depression, psoriasis, excessive cholesterol, and ADHD.

Do you know what it means when something seems to be too good to be true? It’s most likely untrue.

Inositol’s impact on hair is one item that has been fairly well proven. This vitamin promotes healthier, stronger follicles by improving hair strand moisture. As a consequence, fewer hairs are lost or damaged, and emerging hairs are more active.

In addition, the same characteristics that make Inositol beneficial for beard development also make it useful for scalp baldness. With one stone, you may potentially hit two hairless birds.

#9 – Zinc

Zinc is a mineral, not a vitamin, in the strictest sense. Regardless, it’s still a great alternative for a beardsman who wants to add some length to his beard.

Zinc pills are often used to improve immunity and control metabolism. Wouldn’t you know it if I told you? It may also aid in the removal of the pelt from your face!

Zinc is an important mineral for the body’s protein synthesis and cell growth. In fact, it’s a major driver of DNA synthesis. So it’s no surprise that zinc has been linked to thicker, faster-growing hair. 

Zinc is essential for your body’s operations in general. Getting enough of it is important for overall health as well as beard health. And, as The Simpsons demonstrated many years ago, life would be impossible without it!


Vitamin Supplements Alternatives

To this point, we’ve spoken about vitamin capsules and salves as ways to improve beard development. However, we feel that vitamins should be seen as just one tool in a toolbox of options for improving the quality of your facial hair.

Here are some more areas where you may increase your beard’s health.

Sleep and Exercise

Even though it seems simple, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly may help you develop a beard. Sleeping relieves stress and allows your body to rejuvenate. Both of them promote the health of your hair follicles on your head and face.

A solid workout routine improves blood flow, which is quite vital. It also helps you produce more testosterone. It will also bring you out in the fresh air and sunlight, allowing natural nutrients to enter your system.


The fact is, you could receive all of the additional nutrients mentioned above by taking a mouthful of vitamin tablets every day. On the other hand, you may get a lot of them by eating a healthy diet. Consider the following scenario:

  • Vitamin A is abundant in eggs, fatty fish, milk, and yogurt.
  • B vitamins are abundant in leafy greens, seafood, liver, meat, and beans.
  • Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli, and tomatoes.
  • Zinc is abundant in all meats, seafood, beans, and seeds.

If you don’t want to spend money on supplements, adding more of these items to your meals is a great approach to provide your body beard-friendly vitamins and minerals.

Grooming and washing should be done correctly.

Hair development is aided by proper skin health. If you want to increase the texture and thickness of your beard, think about how you wash and moisturize your face. The following items should be included in a good beardsman’s grooming kit:

  • A cleanser and conditioner for beards.
  • Beard balm and oil
  • Moisturizer for the face
  • A comb with a beard brush

Natural carrier oils that penetrate into your skin are essential in your conditioner, oil, and balm. These oils are necessary for a moisturized, luxuriant beard.


If your beard isn’t responding to diet and exercise, vitamins and minerals, or cleaning and grooming, you might consider medication.

Fortunately, the most effective drug for promoting facial hair growth has been well evaluated and is readily accessible over-the-counter. Minoxidil is the active component in hair-restoration products including Rogaine and Hims.

Minoxidil is a topical medication that helps the skin’s blood vessels dilate. While it’s intended for scalp hair, several males have had success using it on their faces to promote beard growth. Of course, this is an off-label usage, and you should proceed with caution. When taken correctly, minoxidil is a completely safe medicine. Pay close attention to the directions. 

Final Thoughts

As you can see, beard development is influenced by a variety of variables, including heredity, hormones, blood flow, and other nutrients. You don’t have complete control over them all. You may, however, supplement your diet with vitamins that promote face hair development.

Consider which nutrients you can raise via food and which you’ll need to supplement as you try to improve your beard’s health with vitamins. Speak with a pharmacy or health-food shop staff. They can recommend the appropriate multivitamin for your requirements as a beardsman.

While you’re here, read our recent post on beard growth serums to learn which vitamins are often included in such treatments.

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“Best beard growth supplement 2021” is a great way to grow your hair out, but it can be difficult to find the right vitamins. These 9 vitamins are perfect for beard growth! Reference: best beard growth supplement 2021.

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