Wondering what are the stages of mustache growth? Growing a beard is a process that requires patience and commitment. When you choose to groom a mustache, you should know that hair passes through different stages. In other words, growing a beard is like a journey consisting of different steps. This post outlines the stages involved in mustache growth.
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What Are The Stages Of Mustache Growth?
A mustache usually takes longer to grow than other facial hair. Therefore, you should know the growing mustache stages. Hair growth usually passes through three phases that include anagen, catagen, and telogen.
Anagen Phase
This is the growing phase of hair, and it can last from two to six years. The root will continue to support the growth of hair during this phase.

Catagen Phase
This is a transitional phase that usually lasts about two or three weeks, and it is the shortest. At this stage, hair growth stops, and the hair strands separate from the hair follicles. The hair strands will attach to the skin. The hair is no longer active at this stage.
Telogen Phase
The telogen phase can last for about two to four months. It consists of new hair pushing old hair which eventually leads to falling. When the old hair sheds, the hair follicles will return to the anagen phase to start the hair growth cycle again. However, not every man follows these particular growth phases of beard. Factors like genetics determine the period that your hair can last in a particular stage.
Stages Of Growing A Mustache
The beard passes through different stages of growth that you need to understand. During the first week, nothing significant will happen since you need to give your mustache time to grow. Growing a beard requires patients and commitment. You may begin to notice some stubble or growth in the mustache. For the younger people, they will begin to notice lighter and thin hair that is also called vellus hair. This hair will eventually be replaced by coarser and darker hair. It is impossible to grow a full beard within seven days, so you must set realistic goals.
You are also likely to experience beard itch as your facial hair begins to show signs of extended growth. Do not be tempted to shave your hair too early since this can affect growth. The beard ends usually come out very sharp and can cause skin irritation. Try to ignore the pain and use beard care products like beard oil which every man should have. Beard oil also moisturizes the skin underneath while at the same time eliminating beard itch.
Real Growth Stage
After about four to six weeks, everything about beard growth becomes clearer. You will begin to notice some notable changes to your mustache, and it begins to thicken and take shape. However, this stage can also be awkward since facial hair does not grow in a uniform pattern. You will realize that some hairs grow quickly whereas others take time. If some of your whiskers exceed more than one inch, you can begin to trim them.
At this stage, you should also expect to experience a patchy beard and this can be caused by factors like genetics, poor nutrition, stress, or lack of exercise. All the same, this brings us back to the issue of patience since patchiness can be temporary. Avoid the temptation of trimming your beard at this stage. Try to be patient and keep your beard moisturized and clean to promote quality growth.
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Full Beard
At some point, you will begin to notice some signs of a full mustache. Your facial hair may still have some patchy areas, but this should not discourage you. It is perfectly okay to leave your mustache until it reaches a specific stage where you feel comfortable trimming it. You may only want to snip away those stray hairs. Make sure that you keep your beard clean and apply appropriate beard care products. Regular moisturization of facial hair is ideal since it helps to train it. Make sure that your mustache is free of flakes and other particles that can affect growth. When growing a mustache, you must also consider other elements like trimming the neckline.
When your mustache reaches four to six months of growth, the chances will be high that you have achieved what you want. Your beard will require more care at this stage, and you must maintain a constant beard care routine. You need to constantly comb and brush your mustache so that you train it to grow in the desired direction. You must constantly use beard oil and balm to maintain your mustache. This is the most important stage where you should constantly shape and style your mustache.
Maintaining Your Mustache
When you familiarize yourself with the stages of mustache growth, you need to ensure that you maintain it. When you reach the 10-month mark, you have every reason to boast of your full mustache that you can style the way you want. However, you must know that when you reach this stage, it is not the end. There are different measures that you should take to maintain your beard in good shape.

You need to consider aspects like a healthy diet consisting of minerals, vitamins, and proteins to realize the maximum potential of beard growth. Lack of protein can make your mustache brittle. You also need to include Vitamins B, C, D, iron, and zinc to keep your beard healthy. Regular exercise is good for your beard. You should make sure that you get sufficient rest and always aim to reduce stress levels. Other things like smoking and abuse of alcohol can also affect beard growth.
Growing A Mustache Stages Conclusion
Growing a mustache like any other facial hair from scratch is a journey that requires patience, commitment, and knowledge. There are different stages involved in the growth of a mustache that you should know to achieve your desired goals. We hope you have enjoyed reading this post about the stages of mustache growth. We would love to hear from you and you can leave your comments below.