Do native Americans grow beards? Many people often believe different myths and stereotypes about Native Americans. Since time immemorial, Native Americans have been associated with beardless faces, and they also have sparse hairs on their bodies. However, the commonly held myth that Native Americans do not beards is wrong. As you are going to see in this article, most native Americans do not sport a full beard and a mustache, but this does not necessarily mean that they are unable to grow facial hair.
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Do Native Americans Grow Beards?
The Native Americans and Asians share almost a similar ancestry. These two races have a history of no growing thick hair on their bodies and faces. Native Americans used to pull out the thin and sparse hairs they had on their faces to keep them clean. This was part of their tradition since they preferred clean faces.
However, Native American Indians today have mustaches and beards. This is mainly attributed to the fact that cultures are constantly mixing, and races are diluted through marriages. Most people with Native American blood can experience thin growth of facial but they can still wear full beards and mustaches.

Can Native Americans Grow Beards?
The clear answer to this question is that Native Americans can grow facial hair. All the myths and beliefs associated with the native Americans are not true. The quantity of hair that most Americans grow makes a big difference. Many people may still ask the question, “Do native Americans have facial hair?” You must know that as long as Americans have the hormones and genetics required to promote facial hair growth, they can grow beards without any problem. Any person who has sufficient testosterone, a male hormone that promotes the growth of hair. Nothing can stop you from growing beards if you have male hormones in your body. The same applies to Americans who are believed not to grow beards.
The other important element about beard growth is that it is influenced by genetics. If your ancestry has a history of not growing facial hair, you may also not grow any facial hair. There is nothing that you can do to change the situation. You should contend with your current scenario if your forefathers have no history of growing facial hair. The chances will be very high that you will not grow a beard. Therefore, whether you are a native American or not, your family genetics might mean that you will not experience the growth of facial hair in your life. No amount of beard care products like oils, balms, supplements, or even Minoxidil can help change your genetics.
Native Americans And Facial Hair
Regardless of the generality of the Native Americans not growing fuller and thicker beards, it does not mean that every one of American descent does not grow facial hair. Americans generally enjoy a less intense growth of facial hair. It all boils down to genetics if you want to get a better understanding of whether you grow facial hair or not. However, some people have the mistaken belief that ethnicity can determine if you can grow facial hair or not.
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Ethnicity does not influence the growth of your facial hair unless you talk of genetics. Some people also believed that Native Americans shaved their facial hair until it stopped growing. Some said the Americans plucked their hairs to maintain clean faces and they ended up not growing facial hair. However, the authenticity of such a source of information is questionable. You should just remove the stereotype in your mind that Native Americans are beardless since other people prefer to maintain clean-shaven looks.
It is not surprising that you will see a Native American man wearing a beard style of their choice. The growth of facial hair is a natural process that is stimulated by the testosterone in your body. This is a hormone that is responsible for beard growth. Whatever ethnic group or race you belong to, you can still grow facial hair. Some people believe that Americans who belong to the Chinese, African, Spanish, and European descent have thick beards compared to Native Americans. The diversity in the human race leads to the variation of facial hair.
Some Facts About Native Americans And Facial
Native American beard is generally soft, and it grows at a slow rate, and the hair is less voluminous. However, there are variations since other men of American descent can grow coarse and thick beards while others have light hair. There are different tribes among the Native Americans, and this can influence the variation in facial hair. Other factors like environmental conditions and diet also impact facial hair growth in different ways. Some Native Americans have beards that come in different colors like ginger, brown, black, and blonde.

In general, most native Americans generally have brown beards and they do not experience grayness of facial hair as they grow old. Some Americans as you are now aware just enjoy clean-shaven looks while others enjoy flaunting their mustache and full beards. Before you rush to the conclusion that native Americans do not grow a beard, you must try to understand individual personalities. The other thing that you may need to know is that Native Americans have their origins in East Asian countries like Japan, China, and Korea. Some fifteen thousand years ago, the Asians migrated to America. This is one of the main reasons why you see Asians and Native Americans sharing similarities in facial hair.
Many people believe that Native Americans do not grow facial hair, but this is not true. We hope you have got some answers to the following question “Do native Americans grow beard?” Many native Americans can grow full beards although most of them often experience light beard growth. If you are a Native American, you need to look at your family history to see the type of hair they grow. If lack of beard growth is attributed to genetics in your family, then there is nothing you can do to reverse the situation. You can leave your comments below.