Beards Base

What Are Teenage Beard Growth Stages?

What Are Teenage Beard Growth Stages?

Facial hair is a symbol of masculinity and it separates boys from men. Many teenagers aspire to grow a beard at a tender age as a way of showing their manhood. However, facial hair growth is a process. Most youths, only begin to witness it during puberty which usually licks in around 13 years. This article outlines the teenage beard growth stages that you should know.

What Are Teenage Beard Growth Stages?

The amount of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) regulates the growth of facial hair in males. These two hormones are both androgens, and they should bind with the androgen receptors to promote hair growth. The production of testosterone usually peaks during the early ages of puberty. DHT is more potent than testosterone in promoting the growth of the beard, and it usually kicks in later. Many people usually get a boost of DHT in their 20s.

One crucial thing about beard growth as a young man is that you should not force growth. Try to grow your hair naturally and choose the best beard style that suits your growth rate. The following are some of the beard growth stages that you must know.

Teenage Beard Growth Stages

Teenage Beard Growth Stages

Beard growth typically follows different stages in puberty, and it first appears on your upper lip. Facial hair is then followed by sideburns, the chin, and the cheek. Facial hair will appear in the neck area at last. The other important thing that you must know about beard growth is that it grows at a rate of about 0.27 mm per 24 hours, but this usually varies according to individuals.

Hair growth is not a continuous process that never ends since it passes different stages. The growth cycle of hair consists of four stages namely anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen. Anagen is a growing phase, and it usually takes between three and five years. The catagen is the transition stage that usually takes about 10 days. This is followed by the telogen phase which is the resting stage and takes about three months. The exogen is the final stage where old hairs are shed, and new hairs grow in the follicles.

In puberty, you begin to notice new hairs on the upper lip around the age of 13 years. The second stage is usually characterized by itching of beard and consists of pencil mustache. Hair will be sparse, but it continues to grow. At this point, you will begin to notice some stubble which is usually the most annoying stage. When you pass this level, you reach the official beard stage where you begin to experience thicker and fuller beard growth. Your beard and mustache begin to connect around the mouth, and you can begin to style your facial hair the way you want.

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Beard Maintenance

When your beard finally reaches the stage of full growth, you should control it and make sure that it is free of dirt. Wash your facial hair with beard wash and apply beard oil to moisturize and nourish the skin underneath. You may also try other beard care products to hydrate your hair and keep the skin underneath healthy. Beard oil helps keep your hair soft and also keeps it free of elements like dandruff that can affect growth.

When you finally have a fuller beard, it is time that you must fully control it. You must apply beard balm to tame the growth of your hair. Commonly, some young men can grow a full beard in their 20s. Do not force to shave your hair since this will not make any difference. You can aid beard growth by combing it instead of believing the myth that shaving hair promotes growth. It is important to reduce stress and get sufficient sleep if you want to enjoy the quality growth of your hair. Exercise is also good for your health and the growth of facial hair.

How To Grow Teenager Facial Hair

The growth of facial hair is usually determined by the number of hair follicles that you have, and these are attributed to genetics. Other races like men from the Far East have fewer hairs, and others do not grow beards at all. If your paternal ancestry has a history of beardlessness, then the chances will be very high that you will not grow any beard. However, if you are still in your puberty stage, you do not need to panic if you are experiencing the slow growth of your beard. Your time will come, so you must be patient.

To promote the growth of teen beard, you must include lots of protein in your diet. Protein-rich diets usually include amino acids, B vitamins, and biotin which are all vital for hair growth. When you begin to notice some stubble on your face, you must use a boar bristle brush to stimulate the hair follicles. You can also brush your hair to train it to grow in a certain direction to cover the patchy areas.  Topical methods like Minoxidil creams can also go a long way in promoting the growth of your facial hair. Beard washes and Biotin creams can also help teens with beards. You must exercise a lot of discipline and patience if you want to enjoy a healthy growth of facial hair.


If you are male, you can start developing facial hair or beards shortly after adolescence or puberty age. Beard growth will continue to grow until your 20s till you reach your adulthood. Beard growth stages vary among different boys. Some boys begin to grow facial hair at 13 years while others might experience late hair growth. During puberty, hair typically follows different growth stages. It starts on your upper lip, followed by sideburns, the chin, and the cheeks, facial hair appears in the neck area at last. You also need to consider other aspects like a good diet and lifestyle if you want to enjoy a healthy growth of your hair. We hope you have enjoyed reading this post about teenage beard growth stages. You can leave your comments below.