Beards Base

How To Trim A Long Goatee

How To Trim A Long Goatee

There are different types of beard styles meant to improve your appearance. A goatee is a short and often pointed beard that derives its name from its resemblance to the hair on the goat’s chin. If you want to shape a long goatee, there are different things you should know. Read on to learn how to trim a long goatee.

How To Trim A Long Goatee

A long goatee grows from the chin, and it is a unique beard style that is easy to maintain. You will gain confidence by wearing this kind of beard style. It also plays a crucial role in elongating your chin, especially when you have a weak one. Therefore, you must consider the shape of your face and type of hair to makes sure the style suits you well. Here is how you can trim your goatee.

Grow The Beard

First and foremost, you know that a goatee requires you to grow your beard to a suitable length. You will need good grooming to maintain the shape and length of your beard. It is recommended that you should invest in an electric trimmer of high-quality pair of trimming scissors. A pair of scissors gives you precision and control compared to an electric trimmer. You will also need to use the same tool to maintain the shape and length of your beard.

Comb Your Beard

The next step is to comb your hair pointing downwards. Make sure you use a quality beard comb and make sure the hair attains a uniform length. You should also make sure that your hair is dry before you comb it. When your hair is wet, it gives you a false impression of its actual length. As a result, you may fail to achieve uniformity if you try to trim it while it is still wet. After showering, use a towel to dry your hair to get the desired length.

Trim Your Beard

Using your preferred trimmer, create the goatee outline and make sure you focus on your chin and cheeks. To achieve excellent results, you should be diligent when you shape your beard. It is a good idea to visit a professional barber to get a perfect cut if you are not familiar with trimming your beard. However, it only takes your commitment to learning how to tame and shape your beard. You need discipline and must be open to experimentation to come up with an ideal style.

For instance, you must taper beard to achieve a uniform length. There are different things you should know if you want to learn how to taper beard. When you taper your beard, it means that you trim it in such a way that the thickness and length are maintained at the jawline. You should keep the hair at the sides shorter than the rest of your facial hair. The beard will gradually grow longer in the desired areas.

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The main benefit of a tapered beard is that it is easy to maintain. The style is also clean, and it applies to casual as well as professional settings. You will also improve your styling skills if you master this technique. When tapering your hair, you aim to maintain uniform length which helps you to determine the appropriate beard style.

Shape The Goatee

Use a pair of scissors to shape the underside of your goatee to create a point. This point makes your style unique and attractive. Trim all the flyaway hairs that can make your style awkward. You should make it a daily routine if you want to maintain your hair in good condition and appearance.

Apply Beard Or Balm

After shaping your long goatee, you must apply beard balm to hold it in place. There are different types of beard balms available on the market you can consider. Apart from holding your facial hair, beard balm also hydrates your hair. You can use balm together with other products like beard oil for excellent results. Use a beard brush to spread the balm across the facial hair.

How To Maintain A Long Goatee

When you have successfully trimmed your long goatee, the next thing is to maintain it. Make sure you regularly wash and clean your beard. You can use shampoo or conditioner to wash your beard to ensure that it does not get unruly or too oily. The shampoo also helps to hydrate and moisturize your beard together with the skin underneath. Even if you want to keep a long goatee, you must trim it constantly to get rid of unruly hairs. Train the hair to grow in a specific direction and keep the edges looking clean.

How To Maintain A Long Goatee

Make sure you shave other parts of the face to get the best appearance. You should also understand the type of your hair and skin to use appropriate shaving methods to avoid irritation. Remember to apply beard oil every day after showering when the hair is still damp. Beard oil helps to moisturize your hair and skin underneath. It also helps prevent the development of acne and maintain your beard clean.

Keep your long goatee free of dirt and other unwanted particles. Your long goatee can trap food particles after eating. Wash the facial hair and brush off the foods that might be lodged in your hair. To avoid dandruff, you must keep your hair clean and use a comb to exfoliate the skin underneath. Dead skin cells can clog the pores and affect the growth of your hair.


We hope you have enjoyed reading this post about how to trim a long goatee. As you have observed, the first thing that you should do is to leave your hair to grow to the desired length before you begin to trim it. It is essential to get the necessary tools to use. To ensure accuracy and precision, you must brush or comb your hair first. Trim your hair slowly to avoid mistakes. We will be happy to read your comments, and you can share the article.